Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beginners Guide to MMO

Beginners Guide to MMO

I can assume that by now you've read some of my posts on MMO and you've already got your own MMO blog or you have plans on getting a blog for MMO purposes. Starting from this point I want to make a guide of sorts for you, a guide for beginners about making money online in other words.

There are specific things you've gotta do if you are serious about making money online. It does take time and you will not get rich quick, so don't even bother if that's all that interests you. I'll skip the preamble on this, but it's best if you know what you're getting into before you actually get into it.

You can make "money online without spending money".

So don't. At least not for a while. Later on you can increase your MMO success with programs that make it easier for you to get backlinks and such but all that stuff in unnecessary for now. All you need in the meantime is some good white hat SEO tips to arm yourself with for increasing your visibility in the SERPs.

Beginners Guide to SEO

One way that I do that is write long posts. As an MMO beginner, you've no doubt heard different takes on post length. Some people prefer to write a new little post every day or other day. Whatever works best for you. If you know how to optimize your short posts for the keywords you want then go for it.

I, on the other hand, feel that I get more out of a longer post because it gives me the opportunity to put in multiple keywords. The more MMO keywords that I can put into a post the better my chances of getting ranked for those words.


There is a great deal of talent and precision involved in this. You cannot over stuff your posts with keywords or else it will appear to G that you're writing a spam post. Not to mention that whatever visitors you get will take one look at your post and know it's not going to be helpful to them in no way whatsoever because it's just a bunch of keywords crammed into a shitty post. Ideally, you should use your keyword 6% of the total number of words that you write.


Your MMO success can be summed up in one word-backlinks. They greatly determine your success in the make money online niche.

What are backlinks?

Links pointing to your site from someone else's site. They're important because of the weight they carry with Google which determines a site's authority. Generally the higher your authority the higher that you rank in the SERPs and the greater your chances of ranking number 1 in Google.

The best kinds of backlinks are correctly anchored links. By that I simply mean that if you have an MMO blog where you talk about money or making money (which would be your main keyword, not to mention what you want to get highly indexed for in the SERPs) then getting a backlink using the word "money" would serve as an anchored backlink, or string of words linked to you as "make money online" would be even better.

What I'm trying to say here my beloved MMO newbies is that anchored backlinks increase your authority and are worth much more than if someone just linked to you by your site name or your personal name. You don't always have control over how someone links to you, but in cases where you do, use the proper anchor in accordance with your niche.

Ok, moving on.

Beginners Guide to MMO

We've laid the ground work for having an optimized site using white hat SEO (Google approved SEO that you won't get penalized for). Now the only thing left to do is decide how you want to monetize your MMO blog and go from just blogging about making money online to actually making money online blogging about making money online.

What kind of traffic are you getting? Is it social or primarily search traffic? If you aren't sure which kind of traffic you're getting you either don't know what the difference is or you just haven't successfully optimized for one or the other. I wrote a post a few weeks ago on targeting the right kind of traffic for making money, the title is actually called Easy Ways to Make Money because it is easy once you've got the kind of traffic that fits the way you've monetized your site.

After you've gotten some original content (content written by you, not copied content) that is highly optimized for your targeted keywords the work is done, all but one little bit-deciding how to monetize your site.

Think about it. After you've done everything I've mentioned thus far what else is there to do besides the up keep-writing more content and getting more backlinks?

You're either selling or promoting something to make money and that's something you should have on your mind from the start. You can sell anything from products to your own expertise and adivse others or even make classes. Bottom line is that you don't over monetize your MMO blog. You should keep it nice clean and professional.

Having a dozen affiliate banners in your sidebar and adsense mixed in with it looks like shit and you won't make money that way. Either make you MMO blog into an affiliate blog or an adsense blog. Clearly define the way you make money with your MMO blog or you will not see the kind of profit you want. And there you have it folks the beginners guide to MMO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex,

Your beginners guide to mmo is awesome. You've really got some great advice for mmo beginners. It's really competitive in the make money online niche so beginners need all the help they can get. I've got a new MMO blog myself you should check it out sometime. Again thanks for the great MMO beginner's guide