Sunday, June 21, 2009

MMO: Shampoo and Tequila Money

MMO: Shampoo and Tequila Money

Beginners make money online by doing what 90% of the competition don't want to do...

I was reading an article in Entrepreneur magazine this week about the founder of Patron Tequila, John Paul DeJoria.

As a child John would get up at 4am to do a paper route with his brother to earn extra money for his family. During christmas he would also go door to door selling christmas cards at 9 years old!

Before DeJoria started Patron or even partnered with Paul Mitchell hair products, he was homeless twice. DeJoria was 22 years old when he became homeless for the 1st time. He and his 2 year old son slept in his car whiled he was just getting started with Paul Mitchell Systems.

He and Paul started with $700 start up money half of which DeJoria borrowed from his mother and now Paul Mitchell hair care does $900 million in revenue. The economy in 1980 was in bad condition as it is today but they still made their business successful.

In 2006 Patron sold 9.8 million cases of tequila and has continued to skyrocked.

John DeJoria's secret to making money can be summed up in that the dividing line between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do whatever the unsuccessful people aren't.

As an encyclopedia salesman, DeJoria said,"Doors slam literally in your face-maybe 30,40 before the first customer will actually talk to you..."

Do not be denied. Keep working towards your goals. Making money online requires that you do what others' aren't doing. Don't quit.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

MMO for Beginners: Writing for Money

When your trying to make money online it helps to know how to write for your niche, example my mmo niche is about making money online. I've researched my keywords and recognized the ones that I rank well for in Google. Now what I want to do is use those mmo keywords collectively in this post. I will be pulling mmo phrases from posts that I've written in the past on this mmo blog to increase the power of those make money online phrases as a whole in this writing for money post. Usually creating a list will suffice, but you also need to have content as well. I think that this mmo writing for money post online will serve it's purpose well, which is to: A.) increase the power of my make money phrases and B.) teach all of you make money online beginners (mmo) how to rank higher in Google with your own keywords.

Here we go:

  • how to make money online
  • make money online for beginners
  • can you make money online
  • mmo authority
  • how to become an mmo authority
  • best way for me to make money online
  • easy ways to make money online
  • guide to mmo for beginners
  • basic ways for beginners to make money online
  • make money from home
  • make money with your computer
  • make money with adsense
  • make money online for free
  • how to mmo for beginners
  • basic concepts of mmo
  • basic concepts for making money online
  • Forbes guide to making money
  • writing for money online
  • make money from your blog
  • creative ways to make money
  • how to make money without a job
  • make money with BANS
  • mmo gi joes
  • make money with build a niche store
  • what is mmo?
  • mmo techniques
  • beginners guide to seo
  • basic seo techniques
  • make moeny online
  • make money from search traffic
  • social bloggers don't make money

As you can see there are quiet a few money making strings that I've included here and really there are so many money than that. Just wrote those off the top of my head because they're my main phrases right now. Keep that in mind as you're writing your next post and try to carry them over as I will be doing. The roll over effect works great when you're trying to increase you keywords' power for Google. And always end with repeating you title MMO for Beginners: Writing for Money!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MMO: Beginners at Making Money Online

MMO: Beginners at Making Money Online

For beginners at making money online, one of the best things you can do is implement some easy SEO techniques for beginners. Take a look at the first sentence and you can see that I'm keyword stuffing (selecting a word that I'd like to rank for and including it as often as I can without seeming too contrived). For instance, I have beginners in my URL, post title, subtitle, and sprinkled throughout so far. Be careful not to overstuff your keywords throughout your post, ideally you should shoot for 7% of your total words used per post. Also selecting a unique long tail keyword like "beginners at making money" is another SEO technique that I use to rank high in the SERPs.

I haven't been posting as much lately as I had planned-life, playing iMobsters excessively,etc. Posting at least a couple times a month is very beneficial if you want to make money and rank well. The go hand in hand with each other in this order, you will not make money without ranking well (1st page in Google). Bolding your keywords is another great way to tell the web's spiders what is emphasized and important in your post, again don't overdo this. Long posts are great if you can write them because they allow you do include a wide range of keywords, long and short tail keyword throughout your mmo blog. The reason that this is awesome is because there are more ways traffic can find you, more possible hits.

Take this post for example. People could find me a few different ways:
  • Beginners at making money online
  • SEO technique
  • beginner at making money online
  • mmo beginners
  • making money online
  • mmo blog for beginners
  • ways traffic can find you

On and on....Plus whatever else I include from here on out.

This is how beginners can make money online, knowing and using tips like these. Remember it's all about how high you rank in Google that determines if you can make money on the internet blogging. And not how many subscribers you have. If you chase that you'll get followers but no money. But if you choose that route you could put up a Paypal Donate button and ask for money. Some call it begging but hey if it works go for it. Making money on the internet is a great revenue of passive income that you can add to what you get from your day job, if you have one these times (damn recession!). Keep your head up and go from being a beginner at making money online to a pro!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

MMO: Does Recession Effect Making Money Online

Does Recession Affect Making Money Online?

The easy answer is yes, our current recession affects everything with money involved, except the money you make on iMobsters haha. BUT not necessarily in a negative way. It all depends on how you make your money online. MMO beginners or not it's all about tactic. Some mmo entrepreneurs actually have seen an increase in online profits due to the recession while others have gone out of biz.

In a recession people become instantly start thinking in different terms about money, its value changes. People are looking for products with quality or added value of some sort. They are also looking for the best deal and where better to get it than online?

Capitalizing on the current psychology of the nation and offering reasonable prices can boost your sales online. Aside from selling products online, there are the mmo bloggers who make money from ads, affiliate programs, and my fav-adsense.

Affiliate programs are not performing as well during the recession as its counterparts are like adsense which doesn't require anyone to buy anything-huge money advantage during the recession. This is not to say that all affiliate programs are suffering there are those who are thriving but only for the few at the top of the SERPs.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

MMO: Best Way for Me to Make Money Online?

MMO: What's the Best Way for Me to Make Money Online?

How can a beginner make money online? There are as well known, many ways to make money online... the question really is what is the best way for me to make money online. Like many others if you're starting from this point, you've got to sift through a certain amount of bull sh** to get any real answers.

I recommend that you begin asking yourself a few questions like the following:

  • How much effort am I willing to put into making money online?
  • Do I have a product to sell?
  • Do I want to sell anything?
  • Can I write anything interesting or informative on a weekly basis?
  • How much time do I have to attempt MMO?
  • Do I want fame or money?
  • Am I really creative enough to blog for money?

And so on.................

As I've said often before social bloggers aren't making any money online, so you should avoid this if you want to make money. But go for it if all you're seeking is fame.

Maybe you've got an awesome product that you've developed and no way to market it. The best way for you to make money in this scenario is to develope a website designed to sell your product for you. And you should also start an affiliate program to boost your sales. Which leads to my next point.....

So you don't have a product and you're not interested in selling anything, too much hassle. The best way for you to make money is by becoming an affiliate of great products online that people want. Go and get a free blogger blog or another of your choosing and slap a few affiliate ads on there after you've tweaked your site with some SEO techniques and have a steady stream of visitors.

An even easier way to make money for beginners (my chosen method) is to simply use adsense on your blog. Unlike affiliate mmo, your visitors don't have to buy anything for you to make money-all they have to do is click your adsense ads and you get paid per click. Pretty simple. This has been the best way for me to make money online as it doesn't require me to do anything other than stay on topic in my posts and write an article every now and then. Great idea for those who want to make money without investing a lot of time.

The best way for you to make money online is totally subjective to your personal goals and aspirations. One should take the time to plan and assess personal goals, preferred methods and time constraints in order to chose the best avenue for making money online.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

One way to ensure that you will make money online is to incorporate basic SEO techniques every time you post a new article on your blog.

How to Optimize your blog for Google

Search engine optimization (SEO) benefits you the most when you optimize for only one search engine....Google. Why Google? Because it is the dominant search engine and the SEs cannot bring the traffic that Google will.

Most of you have considered making money with your blog at some point or another I assume. While there are others out there blogging for fun or social prestigue. If you're blogging for fun with a small social network then please ignore this post. But for those of you who want to make money online, listen up because this is how you get traffic with search engine optimization.

Without traffic a blog cannot make money. Period. There are essentially four types of traffic:
  1. organic traffic (free search traffic)
  2. paid traffic (Pay Per Click PPC adwords)
  3. searchc traffic
  4. social traffic

There are two ways that traffic comes to your site-search engines an social networking sites. You make money from search traffic because it's comprised of regular people who want something so they're doing a "search" for it in Google. These people are willing to buy. Social traffic will get you fans...and that's about it. Social traffic consists of other bloggers who are looking for info and nothing more. They aren't looking to spend any money.

Again the only search engine worth your time is Google. Since we're doing search engine optimization for beginners, I'm going to simplify things as much as possible.

How to Rank Number 1 in Google

Search engine optimization is made up of two parts:

  1. On Page Search Optimization
  2. Off Page Optimization

It's really that simple....

On page optimization consists of two things - blog layout and post layout. In other words everything that you see on the page.

1.Blog Layout consists of:

  • URL
  • Blog Title
  • Description of your blog
  • Sidebar Headers

2. Post Layout

  • The Post Title
  • Post Header
  • Sub Headers
  • and the Post Content

Off Page Optimization can be summed up in one word - backlinks.The best backlinks are relevant to your niche and are anchored with keyword related text from sites with quality Page Rank. How to get quality backlinks is a whole other beast to tackle (more on this later). You can beat 90% of you competition with on page optimization alone! The other 10% takes more time and links.

Taking what we've learnt so far here is an example so you can see some SEO in practice. If I wanted to rank high for the search term: SEO for beginners, this is what I would do:

My blog layout would look like this:

My url would be My blog title would also have my primary keyword/phrase in it which is SEO for beginners and my sidebar would have titles with SEO sprinkled throughout further reinstating that my blog is about search engine optimization. Just look at my MMO blog here and see if you can tell what I want to rank for, make money online, MMO, etc.

Getting the perfect URL is easier than you may think despite the fact that most people grab them up so quickly. For example, I dunno lets say that I wanted to create a money experiment blog about build a niche store (BANS) software. Obviously I can't get buildanichestore(dot)com because it's already taken. So I will have to add extra words to my primary keyword or use the long tail version of my keyword.

So I could use something like build a niche store for beginners and keep my focus on helping beginners learn how to make money with build a niche store. Better yet, since I said that it was hypothetically in the make money online experiment niche; it would make more since to use build a niche store experiment or bans experiment.

It my not look very pretty but it works. URLs are designed for computers not people. There seems to be some kind of confusion about this with a lot of mmo newbies. Catchy URLs won't get you the traffic that one with your keyword in it will. Do a few searches and see who ranks on page 1 in Google and then look at the urls. My post layout is just extra. Considering you've done everything I have done up to now, you should start getting indexed longtail versions of your main keyword. Go after less competitive longtails before going after your primary keyword. The more you rank for, the easier it is to become visible in the SERPS for something more competitive. You can't play in the super bowl with out winning the little games!